The HKUST Business School has been recognized for its significant societal impact in the latest edition of the Positive Impact Rating for Business Schools (PIR). The findings were revealed at the UN PRME 2024 Global Forum on June 18.
For the fifth consecutive year, the HKUST Business School has achieved a remarkable feat for being the sole institution in Hong Kong to be acknowledged by PIR. This annual global rating features a unique evaluation of societal impact in shaping the future of business education, conducted by business students exclusively for their respective schools.
The 2024 PIR survey received over 15,000 responses from students in 34 countries across five continents. The survey evaluated the approach that schools were taking to address societal and sustainability issues, as well as to prepare students to become responsible global citizens for a sustainable tomorrow. Students were asked to respond to a list of questions in seven key impact areas. The overall score determined the position of the school in one of five distinct levels.
Our students’ feedback has resulted in an overall score of 8.5 out of a 10-point scale, placing us in the “Level 4 Transforming School” category (the second-best level). A Level 4 indicates that we have demonstrated “a positive impact culture, embedded in governance and systems, with visible results in many impact dimensions”. Our overall score is also above the average of all participating schools, which stood at 7.7 in this five-level rating.
The rating is administered by the PIR Association, a non-profit group in Switzerland, with the support of international student organizations and global NGOs (e.g., WWF, Oxfam International, Global Business School Network). It reached out to business school students and requested their input on the positive impact of their schools based on performance in three key areas: Energizing, Educating and Engaging. These areas are further divided into the following seven impact dimensions:
Key Areas | Energizing | Educating | Engaging |
Dimension of Impact |
We would like to extend our gratitude to our undergraduate and postgraduate student ambassadors for their efforts in coordinating the survey, as well as to all the students who took part in this year's survey.

For enquiries, please contact:
HKUST Business School
Milky Lau
Tel: (852) 2358 8213