In addition to accolades presented by HKUST, our faculty have received respect and recognition locally and globally in their chosen fields.

Senior Research Fellow by the Research Grants Council

Professor Songnian CHEN, Chair Professor of the Department of Economics, has been named a Senior Research Fellow by the Research Grants Council. This prestigious scheme selects ten awardees every year and provides HK$7.8 million in funding to support a five-year extensive research period for each awardee. The scheme also facilitates the professors’ dedication to research and development and helping universities attract and retain research talent. Professor CHEN’s project examines the “Quantile Regression Subject to Sample Selection with Continuous and Binary Outcomes”.

Best Online Courses of All Time

Delivered by Professor Garvin Percy DIAS, Associate Professor of Business Education of the Department of Information Systems, Business Statistics and Operations Management, the MOOC Class “Information Systems Auditing, Controls and Assurance” offered via Coursera has been awarded Class Central's Best Online Courses of All Time (2021 Edition). The award was granted based on 170,000+ reviews written by the learners.

Chief Economist of the Asian Development Bank

Chair Professor Albert PARK, Head of Economics and Director of the Center for Economic Policy at HKUST, has been appointed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) as its new Chief Economist. Professor PARK will lead ADB’s work on policy research and regional cooperation and integration. Professor Park is a development and labor economist who is an expert on China’s economic development.

Launch of New Book on RMB

Professor Edwin LAI, Department of Economics and Director of Center for Economic Development, has launched a new book entitled “One Currency, Two Markets: China's Attempt to Internationalize the Renminbi”. His book is written for anyone “interested in the economic analysis of the future of the international monetary system and the USD, and the rising importance of the RMB”. By applying economic theories, Professor LAI examines in detail the real reasons for China to internationalize its currency and how financial development and openness are crucial for the internationalization of RMB to succeed.