Through advocacy and education, the HKUST Business School has partnered with respected organizations in promoting green finance and fintech.

In Support of InvestHK for HK Fintech Week

Themed “Scaling FinTech Future Together”, the Hong Kong FinTech Week 2021 was held between 1-5 November. Our faculty joined many respected speakers, in several panels, to share their insights into different timely topics. In a panel on “AI and Big Data Adoption in APAC: A Talent Development Perspective”, Professor TAM Kar Yan, Dean of HKUST Business School, discussed with experts about the adoption status and talent needs of AI and Big Data technologies. Senior Associate Dean and Elman Family Professor of Business, HUI Kai-Lung, talked about fintech talent development in Hong Kong and beyond, while Associate Professor HONG Weiyin explained how to use AI to derive insights from data analytics.

MoU with HKMA to Open Up Mentorship Opportunities

Recognizing the growing need for fintech talent, HKUST has signed an MoU with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) to form a new partnership in talent development as well as research and application to the development of fintech. Under the Industry Project Masters Network (IPMN) of the HKMA, a Mentorship Network will be established. Through this network, each fintech or industry project of the IPMN scheme will be supervised by mentors from various fields. HKUST together with three other local universities will collaborate with the HKMA and other stakeholders on the IPMN scheme. Postgraduate students of these universities in the discipline of fintech will be eligible to join IPMN.

Pioneers with HKEX in Sustainable Finance Education

The School has worked with Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX) to launch an executive education course on Sustainable Finance. This is the first time that HKEX has partnered with a university in Asia to offer this kind of course in this important field for MBA students. The elective course “Sustainable Finance with Business Practices” introduces the framework of sustainable finance and responsible investing and examines various approaches to ESG investing, relevant products and strategies, and the governed practices. With experienced faculty from HKUST and experts from HKEX, MBA students will be able to understand the key challenges and opportunities in different contexts of green and sustainable finance.