HKUST launches New Institute to Drive Financial Innovation in a Challenging Era (Aug 23)
Various media reported about the establishment of the HKUST Institute for Financial Research, which aims to address the multi-faceted social and economic issues through financial research and technological innovation. Officiating the launch ceremony were Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Christopher HUI, HKUST President Prof. Nancy IP, Provost Prof. GUO Yike, Acting Dean Prof. HUI Kai-Lung, and Director of the Institute and Assoc. Dean Prof. LOU Dong. Christopher Hui anticipated the valuable contributions from the Institute in advancing the understanding of how emerging technologies can enhance the financial services sector. Meanwhile, Prof. Ip emphasized that to strengthen its position as an international financial center, HK must embrace these challenges and opportunities, while HKUST establishes the Institute to support this important endeavor.
(The Standard, Tkww.hk, Finews Asia, Finews Asia 2, The National Tribune, Mirage News, dotdotnews, hkcd, HKEJ, infocastfn, Quamnet, Businesstimes)
Strategies for Optimizing HK's Innovation and Technology Environment (Aug 13)
Wenweipo and tkww.hk featured a full-page report on an interview with Prof. XU Yan from the Department of ISOM, discussing the significance of submarine cable installations for Hong Kong’s development as a data hub. Prof. Xu proposed three strategies to optimize HK's I&T environment, including accelerating submarine cable installation to build a data hub, introducing digital nomad visas, and increasing industry support aligned with market demands.
Sanctions on Russia Prompts China to De-dollarize (Aug 31)
In various media articles discussing how Western countries' sanctions on Russia have prompted China to de-dollarize, Visiting Prof. Edwin LAI, Department of Economics, was quoted as saying that China has been actively advancing the internationalization of the RMB. The goal of this effort is not to directly compete with the USD but rather to avoid being vulnerable to its influence.
(Ifeng.com, sina.com.cn, ifeng.com 2, sina.com.cn 2, money.udn.com, udn.com, worldjournal.com, turnnewsapp.com, ctee.com.tw, chinatimes.com, ifeng.com 3, sina.com.cn 3)
China’s Role in Rebuilding World Trade System (Aug 30)
In an HK Economic Times column article, Prof. Emeritus Francis LUI, Department of Economics, offered his take on China's vital role in reshaping global trade in the future.
Leveraging Power of KOLs in Marketing Campaigns (Aug 30)
According to finance.eastmoney, ifeng.com, spgLyy.com, and caifuhao.eastmoney, during a live streaming and short video event, Assoc. Prof. WANG Wenbo, Department of Marketing, highlighted the importance for Chinese companies to meticulously choose KOLs to represent them in global marketing campaigns, making reference to the success story of Pop Mart.
”Sports +” Model Helps Transform Tourism (Aug 30)
An HK Economic Times column article by the School’s Center of Business and Social Analytics focusses on how sports tourism drives the development and transformation of the tourism industry in HK. According to the latest "Wisers-HKUST Tourism Index" survey, the excellent performance of HK's Olympic athletes has led shopping malls to launch promotional campaigns, resulting in heated discussions online, as well as a boom in inbound tourism for HK.
HKUST Digital MBA: Cultivating Tomorrow’s Global Business Leaders (Aug 29)
In articles published in RUSSH and theedgemalaysia.com on cultivating tomorrow's global business leaders, Assoc. Dean (MBA Program) Prof. Stephen SHIH highlighted the Digital MBA program is tailored for forward-thinking individuals who value a rigorous, high-standard, and comprehensive curriculum.
Minimum Wage for Caregivers in South Korea (Aug 28)
In a Koera Joongang Daily article on the debates about the minimum wage for Filipino domestic caregivers in Seoul, Assoc. Prof. Bryant KIM Hyun-Cheol, Department of Economics, was quoted as saying that separate visas should eliminate the restriction on residence duration in South Korea as long as the caregivers are employed.
Ways to Attract High Caliber Talent (Aug 28)
A Ming Pao Daily News column article on attracting high caliber talent quoted the views of Prof. Emeritus Francis Lui, Department of Economics, on how HK can attract talent.
Multisector Development Needed to Help Talent Find Jobs (Aug 26)
According to The Standard, Prof. Emeritus Francis Lui, Department of Economics, who is also a member of Chief Executive’s Policy Unit Expert Group, stated in a radio interview that HK is undergoing economic restructuring and should explore new technologies beyond expanding financial services. Additionally, he emphasized that HK should develop various sectors in order to move forward on many fronts and create more job opportunities for imported talent.
Combating Fraudulent SMS with Whitelist (Aug 26)
In an HK Economic Journal column article, Acting Dean Prof. Hui Kai-Lung discussed the establishment of a whitelist to deal with fraudulent SMS.
Enhancing HK’s Talent Pool (Aug 23)
An HK Economic Times column article by Prof. Emeritus Francis LUI, Department of Economics, explored how HK can attract talent.
Unlocking Golden Opportunities in Sports Tourism (Aug 23)
In an HK Economic Times column article, Chair Prof. LI Jiatao, Department of Management, wrote about the opportunities from sports tourism.
Promoting Elderly's Use of Technology and New Media (Aug 21)
Various media, including tech.ifeng.com, kejilie.com, china.com.cn, tom.com, cnr.cn, Eastmoney, citreport.com, sina.cn and news.zol.com, reported that Assoc. Prof. Wang Wenbo, Department of Marketing, discussed our prejudices and facts about the elderly's use of technology and new media at the sharing event co-organized by Tencent aiming to co-build the "AI for Good" corpus. He also hosted a roundtable session on the role of AI in human emotions and social values.
Challenges Facing Tech Startups in Talent Recruitment (Aug 17)
In a Ming Pao editorial on strategies to attract talent, it was mentioned that a study conducted by the School and Deloitte early this year found that over 60% of tech startups surveyed found it difficult to recruit sufficient talent in HK.
Family Business Successors Advancing Careers (Aug 16)
An HK Economic Times column article by Director of Roger King Center for Asian Family Business and Family Office Prof. Winnie PENG offered some pointers for family business successors aiming to advance their careers in the workplace.
Luring Elite Talents amid China-US Tech Rivalry Between (Aug 16)
An HK Economic Times article by Prof. Emeritus Francis Lui, Department of Economics, highlighted the importance of luring elite talents away from the US amid growing tech rivalry between China and the US.
Mainland Families a Key Driver for Family Office Sector Development in HK (Aug 15)
Citing the “2024 Landscape of Family Offices in Greater China Report” issued by HKUST Roger King Center for Asian Family Business and Family Office and EY Family Enterprise, a Wenweipo article about HK’s family office mentioned that mainland families are the main force driving the development of family offices in HK.
Sharing Insights on Student Employment Counseling and Planning (Aug 14)
In a Lion Rock Daily article on the new book titled "Journey to Student Employment Counseling and Planning" written by Prof. Albert IP, Senior Advisor to HKUST President & Special Advisor to the School Dean, it was mentioned that the book launch event was hosted by HKUST President Prof. Nancy IP.
Developing Digital Culture in the GBA (Aug 10)
HK Commercial Daily, Crntt.com, huacheng.gz-cmc.com, ifeng.com, xinhuanet.com, people.com.cn, cnr.cn, citmt.cn, sina.com.cn, and ycwb.com reported that at a forum on the development of digital culture in the GBA, Assoc. Prof. Wang Wenbo, Department of Marketing, highlighted the important roles of digital platforms and technologies in ensuring smooth communication between users from home and abroad and contributing to cross-cultural exchanges.
China Strategy in a Trump Administration (Aug 10)
In a Master Insight commentary video, Prof. Emeritus Francis Lui, Department of Economics, analyzed whether Donald Trump, if re-elected to the White House, would continue to arm Taiwan as a strategy against China.
Olympic Spirit Worthy of Respect (Aug 10, 14)
In an HK Economic Times article, Prof. Emeritus Francis Lui, Department of Economics, discussed the Olympic spirit of pursuing excellence and fairness. In a Master Insight commentary video, he pointed out that the Olympics spirit of excellence and fairness is worthy of our respect, while explaining why athletes are willing to train hard for the games and how the organizers ensure fairness in the competitions.
Weaknesses in Information Systems Highlight Prevention Needs (Aug 10)
HK Economic Times published a column article by Acting Dean Prof. Hui Kai-Lung on network security.
Israel Wields Influence in US Foreign Policies (Aug 8)
In a Master Insight commentary video, Prof. Emeritus Francis Lui, Department of Economics, discussed Israel's extensive clout in the US media and academic circles, and its impact on US foreign policies. Additionally, according to The Standard, Prof. Lui is also among the instructors for a political training course set up by the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of HK.
Sharing Internship Experience in Banking Sector (Aug 7)
Various media, including waou.com.mo, job853.com, macautodaynews.com, macaodaily.com, Exmoo.com and CyberCTM reported that participating in the Financial Talent Training Pilot Project organized by the Monetary Authority of Macau, an Economics and Finance student of the School shared how his internship experience provided practical banking knowledge and insights into various bank departments' rigorous work processes, laying a solid foundation for his future career in the industry.
Continued Support for West Kowloon Cultural District (Aug 2)
An HK Economic Times article by Prof. Emeritus Francis Lui, Department of Economics, calls for continued Government funding to the West Kowloon Cultural District despite its losses.