
Sharing Insights on Running Family Business and Family Office
imes published an article by Director of Roger King Center for Asian Family Business and Family Office Prof. Winnie PENG on the transformation of family businesses into business families. Meanwhile, Prof. Peng offered her views on family offices’ governance in an interview with Asian Private Banker.


HK and ASEAN Countries Strengthening Ties (Jul 30)
According to reports by Now News, Yahoo (HK), Dotdotnews, HK Commercial Daily, Now News, Takungpao and tkww.hk, Adjunct Prof. KC CHAN, Department of Finance, said in an interview that it may take five to ten years before the economic benefits from the MoU signed between the SAR Government and ASEAN countries can be seen, suggesting wooing talents from Southeast Asia and the Mainland to help develop HK economy.

Life Education Academic Exchange Conference (Jul 29)
ifeng.com reported that Adjunct Prof. Oliver ZHAO, Department of Marketing, attended the 5th life education academic exchange conference held at Dafo Temple, Guangzhou.

Contrasting Foreign Policy Stances of China and the US (Jul 28)
In an ETnet column article, Prof. Emeritus Francis LUI, Department of Economics, offered his views on the different foreign policy stances adopted by China and the US.

Immersion Program for MBA Students (Jul 28)
According to mbachina, Assoc. Dean (MBA Programs) Prof. Stephen SHIH gave an opening speech and announced the launch of the Immersion Program on the new student registration day for HKUST’s Part-time MBA programs.

Student Praises GBA Opportunities (Jul 28)
In a speakout.hk article on the 2023 GBA Internship Program at Internet and IT Enterprises, year 1 finance student CHAN Hei, who interned in Lalamove, said that GBA offers young people tremendous opportunities for development and entrepreneurship.

Alumnus Shares Experience in Running Restaurant Business (Jul 28)
HK Economic Times featured the personal stories behind a Japanese restaurant set up by a school alumnus and his former student.

Crowdsourcing the Best Solutions (Jul 27)
HK Economic Times published an article by Assoc. Prof. KOH Tat-Koon, Department of ISOM, on making good use of crowdsourcing ideation contests to find the best solutions.

Reducing Global Income Inequality (Jul 21)
In an article in HK Economic Times, ETnet and Sky Post, Prof. Emeritus Francis Lui, Department of Economics, discusses economist Branko Milanovic's research on global income inequality and how China's high economic growth over the past 20 years has contributed to a more equal distribution of income worldwide.

QS: HKUST Ranks 34th in Accounting & Finance Subjects (Jul 20)
According to a CT GoodJobs report, HKUST is among the five HK universities that made it to the top 100 in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2023 (Accounting & Finance), landing at the 34th spot.

QS: Kellogg-HKUST EMBA ranks 5th Place Worldwide (Jul 15)
According to HKET and hkcna reports, the Kellogg-HKUST EMBA program maintained 5th worldwide and came first in HK in the QS EMBA Rankings 2023 (Joint Programs).

Best Managed Companies Award (Jul 14-18)
According to reports by china.com.cn, sina.cn, ifeng and sina.com.cn, Prof. XU Yan, Department of ISOM, attended the fifth Best Managed Companies award presentation ceremony, saying that innovation was key to the success of businesses and that the School would continue to support BMC projects.

Western Powers Eyeing Ukraine’s Resources (Jul 14)
In an article published in HK Economic Times, ETnet and Sky Post, Prof. Emeritus Francis Lui, Department of Economics, wrote on how Western big powers were in a hurry to appropriate Ukraine’s resources among themselves.

Reduce Waste in Perishable Goods Retailing (Jul 13)
In an HK Economic Times article, Prof. LI Qing, Department of ISOM, wrote on the retail industry's efforts to reduce waste and increase profitability from perishable items.

Sharing Insights on Data Science and Economic Management (Jul 12-13)
According to ifeng.com, hexun.com, china.com.cn and sina.cn, Chair Prof. SHI Mengze, Department of Marketing, gave a presentation on data science and economic management study at the First Economic Management Academic Forum held by Economic Management Journal.

Analysis of Investment Appeal of HK-listed State-owned Enterprises (Jul 9)
In an HK Economic Journal Monthly report on Chinese concept stocks in HK, Assoc. Prof. CHEN Zhanhui, Department of Finance, was quoted as saying that HK-listed state-owned enterprises are not attractive to investors due to their low valuations, returns and dividend distributions.

Riots Show Need for Regulating Social Media (Jul 7)
In an article published in HK Economic Times, Sky Post, and ETnet, Prof. Emeritus Francis Lui, Department of Economics, offered his take on the riots in France and why it is necessary to regulate the social media.

Favorite Things Boost Wellbeing (Jul 6-7)
Big News Network.com, Brisbane News.Net, Greek Herald, Herald Globe, Taiwan Sun, Thailand News.Net, Sydney Sun, Lifehacker Australia, Malaysia News.net, hong kong herald and Sydney Sun published an article co-authored by Assoc. Prof. Amy DALTON and Chair Prof. Anirban MUKHOPADHYAY, Department of Marketing, on their research showing how people's favorite possession can boost their sense of wellbeing despite income inequality in society.

Leveraging HK’s Core Strengths to Promote GBA Development (Jul 6)
In an HK Economic Times article, Chair Prof. LI Jiatao, Department of Management, wrote about leveraging Hong Kong’s core strengths to take part in the development of the GBA.

MSc Student Gains Guangzhou Internship from Government Scheme (Jul 4)
MSc student in International Management Akemi WONG will join an internship in Guangzhou with Henderson Land Development through the HKSAR Government’s "Scheme on Corporate Summer Internship on the Mainland and Overseas 2023". She said in articles published in HK Commercial Daily, stheadline, Takungpao, dotdotnews that she hopes to learn more about the mainland’s working culture and expand her personal networks.

Supporting Students with Special Education Needs (Jul 3)
Various media, including Sing Tao Daily, tvb.com, HK Economic Times, HK01, MingPao.com, stheadline.com, Jump and tkww.hk, reported that fresh graduate of the BSc in Quantitative Finance program and albino student Eli TANG, who is recruited by the Bank of America as an equity trader, shared how the study opportunities offered by HKUST and the assistance she received as a student with special education needs has helped her thrived.

Future Star Summer Exchange Program (Jul 3)
According to wenweipo.com and dotdotnews, year 4 Marketing student WONG Kai Lung, who will take part in the Future Star summer exchange and mainland internship tour, said the tour should be a good learning experience for him.

GBA Internship Opportunities (Jul 1)
Wenweipo.com, speakout.hk, sznews.com and HK Commercial Daily reported that year 1 finance student CHAN Hei, who is among the 33 university students from HK and Macau participating in the 2023 GBA Internship Program at Internet and IT Enterprises, said she is looking forward to the internship as it is the first time for her to travel to Mainland after the resumption of cross-border travel.

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