
Kellogg-HKUST EMBA Draws Talent to Greater Bay Area, Shows Greater Diversity in Student Intake
In a media interview with the HK Economic Times (, article2) and Sing Tao Daily, Kellogg-HKUST EMBA Academic Director Prof. HUI Kai-Lung and Program Director Judy AU noted that the industry profile of the program’s students has become more diverse in recent years, a reflection of the city’s economic transformation, while expressing confidence that as the world’s No.1 EMBA program, it will help attract global talent to work in HK and the Greater Bay Area. They said that the program, which marks its 25th Anniversary this year, seeks to enroll students with "low ego” who can have “high impact” on society.

School Study Shows Development Pathways for Regtech Sector
Various media, including now.com, HK Economic Journal, ejfq.com, on.cc, line.me, hkcd.com.hk, businesstimes.com.hk, nationaltribune.com.au and opengovasia.com reported the findings of an in-depth regtech study undertaken by the School. Recommendations for the regulators to consider include taking the lead in tech development, incentivizing tech use, and producing clear guidelines to ease the challenges facing the industry in technology adoption. Dean Prof. TAM Kar-Yan said the study aimed to support policymakers, regulators and industry participants to strengthen the city’s regtech capabilities and expedite industry development.

Hong Kong’s Advantages in Developing Family Office Sector (Mar 30)
HK Economic Times ran an article by Director of Roger King Center for Asian Family Business and Family Office Prof. Winnie PENG on HK's eight advantages in developing family office business.

HKUST EMBA Alumni Association Holds Annual Meeting in Guangzhou (Mar 28)
According to rmzxb.com.cn, speaking at HKUST EMBA Alumni Association annual meeting in Guangzhou, HKUST(GZ) President Prof. Lionel NI commended the association on its achievements and spelled out his hope for EMBA alumni to help their alma mater expand its network in GBA. Senior Associate Dean Prof. Hui Kai-Lung and HKUST(GZ) AI Thrust Head and Chair Prof. XIONG Hui shared with the attendees the latest tech developments. Dean Prof. Tam Kar-Yan also spoke at the event.

HK Well-Placed to Be Green Finance Hub (Mar 24)
SCMP reported that Adjunct Prof. Poman LO, Department of Management, attended HK’s inaugural Wealth for Good philanthropy summit. She said HK is in a strategic position to be a green finance hub and help bring Western start-ups to China, and vice versa, with leading universities like HKUST.

Grooming Fintech Talents through “10x1000 Tech for Inclusion” Platform (Mar 24)
In articles published in quamnet and infocastfn about the increase in the number of fintech talents trained by the learning platform “10x1000 Tech for Inclusion”, it was mentioned that students from the School were among those who had completed its courses.

Analyzing Banking Crisis (Mar 24)
In articles published in HK Economic Times, Sky Post, silentmajority.com and speakout.hk, Prof. Emeritus Francis LUI, Department of Economics, wrote about the reasons behind the banking crisis.

Insights from Return Insurance (Mar 23)
HK Economic Times ran an article by Prof. YU Man, Department of ISOM, on return insurance as a quality indicator of products offered by online retailers.

Sharing Insights on Web3 Infrastructure (Mar 20-21)
Takungpao.com, hkcd.com and PR Newswire reported that Adjunct Prof. James LEI, Department of ISOM, was invited to share his insights on topics related to web3 infrastructure during the launch ceremony of the Web3 Infrastructure Foundation.

China’s Peace Efforts (Mar 17)
In an article published in Etnet, Prof. Emeritus Francis Lui, Department of Economics, wrote on whether China-brokered reconciliation between Iran and Saudi Arabia will bring beams of hope for peace between Russia and Ukraine.

Reining in Online Scams (Mar 16)
SCMP and HK Economic Times published articles by Senior Associate Dean Prof. Hui Kai-Lung on ways to crack down online scams.

Impacts of ChatGPT on Education and Research (Mar 10)
HK Economic Times and Sky Post published articles by Prof. Emeritus Francis Lui, Department of Economics, on the impacts of ChatGPT on the education and research sectors.

Evaluating Four-day workweek (Mar 9)
HK Economic Times published an article by Chair Prof. LI Jiatao, Department of Management, on the test runs of the four-day workweek.

Bridging Green Finance Talent Gap (Mar 7)
In a Nikkei Asia article on HK’s efforts and struggles to fill the ESG talent gap in turning the city into a green finance hub, Co-director of the School’s Sustainable and Green Finance program Prof. Veronique LAFON-VINAIS was quoted as saying the challenge lies in whether we could “ramp up fast enough” in the face of new trend.

HK Home to Bulk of Family Offices in Asia (Mar 7)
An article by The Standard on the Wealth for Good in HK Summit mentioned that according to the School’s Roger King Center for Asian Family Business and Family Office, HK is home to 60-70% of the 1,200 family offices operating in Asia.

Global Politics One Year into Russia-Ukraine war (Mar 3)
HK Economic Times and Etnet ran an article by Prof. Emeritus Francis Lui, Department of Economics, on how global politics has evolved one year into the Russia-Ukraine war.

Investors’ Interest in ESG Investments (Mar 2)
In articles published in Line Today and Sina on ESG investment strategies, it was mentioned that a survey jointly conducted by the School and Pictet Asset Management showed growth potential in ESG investing and green finance and the need to strengthen investor education.

Defining Multi-family Offices (Mar 2)
HK Economic Times published an article by Director of the Roger King Center for Asian Family Business and Family Office Prof. Winnie Peng on how a clear definition of multi-family offices is conducive to improving efficiency and growth.

Students Gain Experience in Youth Market through HKUST-Durex Partnership (Mar 2)
In an HK01 article on a five-month course jointly organized by the School and Durex in which Year 2-4 students of the School acted as consultants advising Durex on tapping the youth market, Executive Director of the School’s Career Development & Corporate Outreach Prof. Veronique Lafon-Vinais said that the partnership is a win-win for the School, students and the business community, as it exposed students to a real-life business case where they could acquire market experience and verify the theories that they have learnt in class.

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